Selasa, 03 Agustus 2010

Jelly bracelets!!

love the dress (y) (y)

One of my favorite book

it's still not funny

hello.. let's start a new day!!

hari ini aku mau ceritain kenapa aku buat blog ini.
jadi, waktu pelajaran BINDO, kita dijelasin sama guru kita, Pak Ucok, dari mana asal nilai harian kita.
kata Pak Ucok, nilai harian itu salah satunya berasal dari buat Blogger. Yasudah, dari pada dapet nilai 0, aku buat blog ini!! hehehe....

ice skating

have i told you that i love ice skating?? well, probably not

my classmates

these are my classmates..


ahhh pilekkkk :(

yummm :9

hello meet...... ME!!!

heeyyyyy,,,,  I'm Fira. I'm a part of #xastwevenix, Labsky #10 and co7Dplay.. and todayyy.... im sick :( it's almost the worst day of my life...